Friday, December 09, 2011

Limbwalker Tree Service root aeration

Limbwalker Tree Service shows what root aeration can do for mature trees in this short video

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Infrared urban aerials of Louisville and Park(ing) Day

The series of images shown are photo manipulations of a large infrared aerial in MSD’s office.  Their image shows the developed part of the city in white/blue while the more heavily vegetated part of the metro area is shown in red.  The map never carried much weight for me since what we value about a city, it’s density, came off as unassuming white.  And what we value about open space and rural quality was red, not a color we associate with vegetation.  So by changing the image where the developed part was in red and the vegetation in green, it demonstrates more of the city’s impervious quality.  It illustrates how insidious an urban inner city can be without open space and parks.  That’s why having Park(ing) Day – a day with temporary parks built in parking spaces – can be so good at raising awareness to the need.  It’s interesting to note apart from the parks that surround downtown, Churchill Downs’ infield is the largest open space…

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Promoting landscape architecture


A group of landscape architects were out promoting the profession today.

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Art Car parade on Frankfort Ave (then to St Marks) at 3pm today

There is an art car parade on Frankfort Avenue around 3pm that will end at St Marks for a barn dance.  More info here:

Only in Louisville…

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Announcing Olmsted Parks Photo Contest:

Frederick Law Olmsted Parks Photo Contest:

Share this Photo Contest announcement with all your favorite photographers, both professional and amateur.

We can’t wait to see the parks through your eyes!

1299 Trevilian Way | Louisville, KY 40213

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Loss of canopy


Here is what the loss of canopy looks like at Eastern Parkway and Bardstown Road. Trees add a lot to the character of the area.

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Drought outlook: not good for Texas (cooler/rainier in Lou for coming month)

The National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center indicates more persistent drought for Texas and surround areas.

Louisville will have below average temps and above average rains for the next month…

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Friday, May 06, 2011

Drawing Water: Where it falls and where it's used


David Wicks has made a very lovely illustration of water from where falls to where we use it. The farther it's "pulled" to where our cities use it, the darker the line.

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sustainable stormwater landscaping on the Louisville Belvedere

Verdant Design and Diane Secor have been working with MSD to develop sustainable stormwater features to the Louisville Belvedere.  Currently, the rain water from the elevator building has been redirected to a rain barrel (called a Raintainer) and out to a rain garden made up of local, native plants.  The mayor’s, MSD’s Bud Schardein, and Waterfront’s David Karem’s speeches can be found on Verdant Design’s website.

A public meeting on May 10th at 7pm at KY Center for the Arts will showcase the upcoming project phases.  The city’s website will have updates and more information on the meeting.

John Pacyga, ASLA, RLA, LEED AP


Posted via email from Verdant Design

Sustainable stormwater landscaping on the Louisville Belvedere

Verdant Design and Diane Secor have been working with MSD to develop sustainable stormwater features to the Louisville Belvedere.  Currently, the rain water from the elevator building has been redirected to a rain barrel (called a Raintainer) and out to a rain garden made up of local, native plants.  The mayor’s, MSD’s Bud Schardein, and Waterfront’s David Karem’s speeches can be found on Verdant Design’s website.

A public meeting on May 10th at 7pm at KY Center for the Arts will showcase the upcoming project phases.  The city’s website will have updates and more information on the meeting.

John Pacyga, ASLA, RLA, LEED AP


Posted via email from Verdant Design

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring has sprung!

All of the warm weather and rain has cause spring to happen in days, not
weeks! I hope these will brighten your day.

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

What does a landscape architect do anyway?

Well, if you’ve wondered what a landscape architect does, here is a movie that shows the work, capabilities, and effort that a landscape architect brings to a project:

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Verdant Design website

We now have a new website built around the client’s projects. 

Come and see it for yourself:

John Pacyga, ASLA, RLA, LEED AP


Click here to download:
image001.emz (171 KB)

Click here to download:
oledata.mso (199 KB)

Posted via email from Verdant Design