Friday, September 21, 2012

Park(ing) Day in Louisville #PD502

Some photos of the Kentucky Chapter of Landscape Architect’s PARK(ing) DAY space.  It’s right in front of the Green Building on E. Market.  It will only be in place until 4pm, so stop by!  There are many who devoted time and energy to this effort.  You can see the list at:  It also has a link to find a Landscape Architect Firm if you are looking for one in your area.

For more on Louisville’s many temp parks (TODAY ONLY) and a map, go to

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Visiting plant nurseries

So on rainy, overcast days I take advantage of the neutral light and visit plant nurseries in the area.  Today, I was scouting for some very unusual plant combinations.  Plant Kingdom and Thieneman’s were the places I visited.  The staff were helpful, even though my plant requests were audacious!  So here are a few of the photos from the day.

Posted via email from Verdant Design