Friday, October 22, 2010

Warm wet winter for Ohio River Valley

Expect an extreme winter, U.S. forecasters warn

It looks like we are going to have some weather this winter.  It’s either going to be warmer or colder or wetter, but not “normal.”  So expect the unexpected…

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Photos from the Louisville Loop

Many don’t know that the Louisville Loop, a 100 mile trail around the whole county, already has portions in place.  Right now there is 23 miles built from Waterfront Park down the Ohio River to the Farnsley-Moreman home/landing.  It is made up of the Riverwalk by downtown, follows Northwestern and Southwestern Parkways, uses some bike lanes, then picks up the River along the Levee Trail.  All told it is a nice ride.  I found the drivers (even semis) were courteous either moving over as they passed (even though I was in a bike lane) or when stopped, they motioned for me to go first.   I thought the Levee trail was the most heavily used portion with many more walkers/joggers than anywhere else.  The most beautiful parts were a secluded woods portion near the LG&E facility and Southwestern Parkway.  If you haven’t been on it, give it a try!

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Monday, October 18, 2010

Verdant Design interviewed regarding Social Networking in the Green Industry

Verdant Design was the 1000th to follow Ewing Irrigation on twitter.  They interviewed us on the value of being involved in social networking in the green industry.  Here is a link to the blog.

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

HBC's Memorial Garden

Here are a few photos of Highland Baptist Church’s Memorial Garden from design to completion.  Though the summer has been a rough one, the garden has done well.  The Black-eyed Susan plants have now been cut back partly due to the weather (they set seed and browned out sooner than normal), but they should do well for next season.  Hats off to Chip Miller and crew for the wonderful benches built in honor Ed Lotze.

Posted via email from Verdant Design

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

#Land8 Webinar: #CAD & #SketchUp with Daniel Tal

Daniel Tal, author of Google SketchUp for Site Design, will have three nights of webinars regarding CAD and SketchUp on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 6:00 PM - to - Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 7:00 PM (PT). 

<a href=””></a>

He will cover:

·         How to prepare your CAD drawing for import into SketchUp
·         How to organize CAD layers and XREF’s prior to import
·         How to rapidly add faces to imported CAD linework
·         Tips and tricks to creating faces from CAD linework
·         Swapping 2D Blocks with 3D Components
·         When and how to export a SketchUp model back to AutoCAD

You can get a discount using these codes:

Students: "Land8-Students-10"

Professionals: "Land8-Pro-25"


Posted via email from Verdant Design

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Mother-in-law's courtyard

One of the honors I have is giving family member’s suggestions or designs on their surroundings when they move into a new home.  Here is the design for a small space, a courtyard, behind a patio home.  Even small spaces can be designed well and take advantage of the given situation.  In this small space there were plenty of walls but not ground space.  The walls, though dressed in brick, needed softening.  Espaliered fruit trees are slated to be installed this fall to soften the brick’s appearance, as well as provide fruit in season.

Posted via email from Verdant Design